FHS Covid-19 Handbook

PPE Training and Information

Hand washing

Hand hygiene is the mainstay of IPC and Standard Precautions. Hand washing must be done properly and for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. When washing hands, friction is necessary to remove transient microbes from the hands. Use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) containing 70% propyl or isopropyl alcohol with emollient is also effective to kill SARS CoV 2.

When using ABHR, make sure all surfaces are covered. Dip fingers in the ABHR in your palm and then move to the other surfaces. Gloves do not offer total protection. ALWAYS WASH HANDS AFTER REMOVING GLOVES. Never apply ABHR to gloves. It damages them and increases the risk of contamination.



Source document: COVID-19 Disease: Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines Version 2 (21st May 2020)

Sources: CDC websiteNIOH websiteNICD websiteNDOH website