FHS Covid-19 Handbook



Dinning Hall



Wits Dining – Hygiene, Social Distancing and General Safety Procedures – COVID 19

Students and staff personnel are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous manner with the dining halls COVID 19 Social Distancing and Food Safety Protocol at all times

  • No students will be allowed in the dining halls without a face mask, or a face mask not worn correctly
  • Meals must be taken in a designated dining hall, following the dining hall signage and rules
  • A minimum of 20 to a maximum of 50 students will be allowed to access the dining area at any given time
    • Hands are to be sanitized with an alcohol-based hand rub that is available at the dining hall entrances and the servery area. Hand washing with soap and water is encouraged where facilities are available
  • Students that are not booked in the dining halls are not permitted to enter any dining hall without reporting to the dining hall help desk for assistance
  • Students to use their own pen when signing in for early meals at reception help desk
  • Adhere to follow one way floor marking footsteps when exiting the dining hall turnstile
  • Students inside the dining area to follow the floor marking footsteps protocol of 1.5 meter in at serving areas queues,  and in all work stations within the dining hall
  • No hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with other students or staff
  • No cell phones are allowed in the servery area
  • Avoid touching servery counter surfaces
  • No touching of resale items in displays or fridges is allowed
  • Hand disinfection is encouraged after touching any objects, access turnstiles, counter surfaces etc.
  • Only 4 students are allowed to sit in a 10 square metre table to accommodate 1.5 m social distancing
  • Tables and chairs are set to allow social distancing between students. No moving of chairs is allowed in the dining halls
  • Meals to be consumed within 30 minutes when served
  • No take away food should be kept in student rooms for more than stipulated time on the food label
    • No hot meals will be taken out of the dining halls